Bank Written GK questions: About the IMF and the BGMEA

About the IMF

01. World Economic Outlook is published by which institution?
Ans: The International Monetary Fund. 

 02. Global Financial Report is published by which institution?
Ans: The International Monetary Fund. 

 03. When the IMF was founded?
Ans: The IMF was established in 1944.

 04. How many members are in the IMF?
Ans: 190. 

About the garment sector

01. How many green factories are in Bangladesh?
Ans: 215. 

02. Which institution gives the certificate of green factories?
Ans: the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). 

 03. What is the full form of LEED?
Ans: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. 

  04. What is the full form of BGMEA?
Ans: Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)



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