
Bangla to English translation (Job ID-10147)

Risk management is an essential aspect. Banks protect the deposits and savings of common people. Banks manage risks under a specific policy structure. This is essential to protect the interests of depositors. In times of recession, risk management is even more crucial. In this regard, the primary responsibility falls on bank management. The board of directors will supervise it. Banks are facing new risks. In the past, matters related to cyber-security did not receive enough attention. Over time, banks have paid more attention to facing these challenges.   Bangla to English translation for Bank written exams  

Bank Written GK questions: About the IMF and the BGMEA

About the IMF 01. World Economic Outlook is published by which institution? Ans: The International Monetary Fund.   02. Global Financial Report is published by which institution? Ans: The International Monetary Fund.   03. When the IMF was founded? Ans: The IMF was established in 1944.  04. How many members are in the IMF? Ans: 190.  About the garment sector 01. How many green factories are in Bangladesh? Ans: 215.  02. Which institution gives the certificate of green factories? Ans: the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).   03. What is the full form of LEED? Ans: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.    04. What is the full form of BGMEA? Ans: Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)  

Bank Written GK( International Organizations)

 Which country is the latest member of NATO? Ans: Sweden When NATO was established? Ans: 1949. How many members are in NATO? Ans: 32.    What is the full form of NATO? Ans: North Atlantic Treaty Organization. What are the Bretton Woods organizations? Ans: The IMF and World Bank.  

GK for Bank Written ( Ecomony Related Questions)

1. Who is the new chairman of BSEC? Profession Shibli Rubayat-ul-Islam. 2.What is the full form of BSEC? Bangladesh Securities And Exchange Commission. 3. How many commissioners are there in BSEC? Four. 4. What is the tenure of the chairman of BSEC? Four years. 5. Which ministry is BSEC under? Finance Ministry. 6. When was BSEC established? In 1993.